Developmental Disorders of the Lymphatics

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Saturday, November 05, 2005

Glossary of the Lymphatics - Page Four

Lymphadenography: Radiographic visualization of lymph nodes after injection of a contrast medium; lymphography. Generally used in diagnosis of lymphedema.

Lymphadenoid: Relating to, or resembling, or derived from a lymph node.

Lymphadenoid goiter: Inflammation of the thyroid gland without the formation of pus. Noninfectious nonbacterial thyroid inflammation.

Lymphademona: Lymphatic tumor. See lymphoma, Hodkins Disease.Also may be define as an abornally enlarged lymph node.

Lymphadenectomy: A surgical procedure in which the lymph nodes are removed and examined to see whether they contain cancer. For a regional lymphadenectomy, some of the lymph nodes in the tumor area are removed; for a radical lymphadenectomy, most or all of the lymph nodes in the tumor area are removed. Also called lymph node dissection.

Lymphadenomatosis: An obsolete term for a condition characterised by the presence of several to numerous enlarged lymph nodes, as in lymphosarcoma or Hodgkin's disease.

Lymphadenopathy: Any disease process that affects the lymph nodes; also known as swollen glands. This condition is usually an indication that an infection or other pathology is present.

Lymphadenopathy syndrome: (LAS) A persistant swelling of the lymph nodes, which is often associated with the or a part of the AIDS-related syndrome.

Lymphadenosis: The basic underlying proliferative process that results in enlargement of lymph nodes, as in lymphocytic leukaemia and certain inflammations.

Lymphadenovarix: Varicose deformity of a lymph node associated with lymphangiectasis.

Lymphangial: Of or relating to a lymphatic vessel.

Lymphangiectasia: Type of lymphatic malformation that results in the dilation of the lymphatics. Generally is expressed in the intestinal region, pulmonary/lungs.

Lymphangiogram: Early, outdated test for determining lymphatic obstruction. Replaced by lymphoscintography

Lymphangiography: A diagnostic procedure of the lymphatic system that involves an injection of contrast medium followed by a series of radiographic exposures; also known a lymph node angiogram. The purpose of the contrast medium is to make the lymph vessels and nodes visible on the radiographs (x-rays).

Lymphangioma: A tumor formed of dilated lymphatic vessels. Generally tan-yellowish in color and is composed of dilated lymph vessels. Also called Angioma lymphaticum

Lymphangioma Cavernosum: A tumor formed by dilated lymphatic vessels and filled with lymph that is often mixed with coagulated blood. The lesion may cause extensive enlargement of the affected tissue.

Lymphangioma circumscriptum: A skin lesion that develops fromenlarged lymph vessels. Most commonly seen in young children, it maybe pink or yellow and may grow to several centimeters in size.

Lymphangion: A segment of lymphatic vessel located between two valves; also known as an angion. The constrictions at the valves create the “string of pearls” appearance of a lymph vein.

Lymphangiosarcoma: A sarcoma arising from the endothelial cells of lymphatic vessels.

Lymphangitis: An inflammation of a lymphatic vessel. Lymphangitis is often caused by bacterial infection and can be treated with antibiotics. See also cellulitis

Lymphagogue: An agent that increases the formation and flow of lymph.

Lymphatic basin: A group of lymph nodes that receives and filters lymph that flows from a certain area of the body. Special dyes may be used to stain and identify the lymphatic basin in the tissues around a tumor, so that lymph nodes that may contain cancer can be removed and checked by a pathologist.

Lymphatic capillaries: A fine mesh-like network of tiny blind-ended tubes distributed in the tissue spaces and just under the skin.

Lymphatic capillary plexus: One of the network of small lymphatic vessels that collects lymph from the lakes of fluid that leak from tissue cells. The plexuses are especially abundant in skin but also lace other areas, such as the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive systems, testes, ovaries, liver, kidney and heart.

Lymphatic ducts: The right lymphatic duct and the thoracic duct that return lymph to the circulatory system.

Lymphatic Edema: Edema due to obstruction of lymph vessels or disorders of the lymph nodes. See also Lymphedema

Lymphatic filariasis: The form of lymphedema that is caused by thread-like parasitic worms; also known as elephantiasis.

Lymphatic fluid: The clear fluid found outside the cells which bathes the tissues. It is collected, filtered, and transported by the lymphatic system from around the tissues to the blood circulatory system. Fluid that collects as a result of lymphedema.

Lymphatic Gland: Small, bean-shaped organs located along the channels of the lymphatic system. The lymph nodes store special cells that can trap bacteria or cancer cells traveling through the body in lymph. Clusters of lymph nodes are found in the underarms, groin, neck, chest, and abdomen. Also called lymph glands.

Lymphatic mapping: The use of dyes and radioactive substances to identify lymph nodes that may contain tumor cells. Also called lymph node mapping. See lymphoscintography

Lymphatic system: The interconnected system of spaces and vessels between body tissues and organs by which lymph circulates throughout the body. System that is damaged or impaired resulting in lymphedema.

Lymphatic trunks: The largest lymphatic vessels that transport lymph to the lymphatic ducts.

Lymphatic vessels: A bodywide network of channels, similar to the blood vessels, which transport lymph to the immune organs and into the bloodstream.

Lymphatic Watersheds: Areas of the body and underlying tissues which drain through lymphatic vessels in a particular direction, similar to how "watersheds" in mountainous forest regions draining toward one or another river.

Lymphatics: Larger lymph vessels that are formed when several lymph capillaries join together; also known as lymph veins.

Lymphatic: Pertaining to lymph or the lymph system.

Lymphatic vessel: A vessel that contains or conveys lymph, that originates as an interfibrillar or intercellular cleft or space in a tissue or organ, and that if small has no distinct walls or walls composed only of endothelial cells and if large resembles a vein in structure -- called also lymphatic vessel, lymph vessel -- see thoractic duct.

Lymphedema: Lymphedema is swelling caused by the buildup of too much lymph fluid in the tissues. It usually affects the arms or legs, but can occur in other parts of the body as well. There are two types of lymphedema: Primary and Secondary. Caused by malformation of, damage to lymph system.

Lymphedema-Hypoparathyroidism Syndrome: The major diagnostic criteria for this syndrome include congenital lymphedema—which develops soon after birth, hypoparathyroidism, nephropathy, mitral valve prolapse, and brachytelephalangy.

Lymphedema praecox: Hereditary form of lymphedema. Generally expresses itself in the teen or puberty years - see Meige Disease.

Lymphedema Primary: Considered to be the herditary forms of lymhpedema. Caused by genetic breaks or malformations.

Lymphedema Secondary: Type of lymhpedema generally caused by node removal for cancer biopsy, radiation damage due to cancer therapy, trauma, injury or infections that damage the lymphatic system or lymph nodes.

Lymphedema tarda: Herditary lymphedema, Type III. Generally expresses itself betwen 20 and 50 years of age.

Lymphitis: General term used as relating to lymphadenitis.

Lymphoblast: An immature lymphocyte.

Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A form of lymphocytic leukemia in which the abnormal cells in the circulating blood are almost totally lymphoblasts.

Lymphocytes: White blood cells which include T-cells, B-cells, and natural killer (NK) cells. They should account for between 15% and 49% of the total white blood cell count. Viral infections can either increase or decrease the total percentage of lymphocytes. Function is of body defense in fightingdisease and/or infections.

Lymphocyte blastogenic factor: A type of biological response modifier (a substance that can improve the body's natural response to infection and disease) that stimulates the growth of certain disease-fighting blood cells in the immune system. These substances are normally produced by the body. Aldesleukin is IL-2 that is made in the laboratory for use in treating cancer and other diseases. See Also - Interleukin-2, epidermal thymocyte activiating factor, IL-2, IL2, T-cell growth factor, T-cell stimulating factor, TSF

Lymphocyte mitogenic factor: A type of biological response modifier (a substance that can improve the body's natural response to infection and disease) that stimulates the growth of certain disease-fighting blood cells in the immune system. These substances are normally produced by the body. Aldesleukin is IL-2 that is made in the laboratory for use in treating cancer and other diseases.

Lymphocytic Leukemia: Leukemia that is characterized by the enlargement of lymphoid tissues and lymphoid cells in the circulating blood system.

Lymphocytic Lymphoma: A cancer of lymphatic tissues; the tumor cells are mostly abnormal lymphocytes.

Lymphocytopenia: A smaller than normal number of white cells (lymphocytes) in the blood circulation, occuring as a blood disorder or in association with nutritional deficiency, cancer, or infectious mononulceosis.

Lymphocytosis: A rapid reproduction of certain white blood cells (lymphocytes) as occurs in chronic diseases and in recovery from acute infections.

Lymphoepithelioma: A type of cancer that begins in the tissues covering the nasopharynx (the upper part of the throat behind the nose).

Lymphogenic: Connected with, or formed in, the lymphatic glands.Lymphography: An x-ray study of lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels made visible by the injection of a special dye. See also: lymphoscintography

Lymphokine: A chemical factor produced and released by T-lymphocytes (thymocytes). It attracts bacteria-destroying cells (macrophages) to the site of infection or inflammation and prepares them for attack.

Lymphoid organs: The organs of the immune system, where lymphocytes develop and congregate. They include the bone marrow, thymus, lymph nodes, spleen (Read about "The Spleen"), and various other clusters of lymphoid tissue. The blood vessels and lymphatic vessels can also be considered lymphoid organs.

Lymphokines: Powerful chemical substances secreted by lymphocytes. These soluble molecules help direct and regulate the immune responses.

Lymphokine-activated killer cell: A white blood cell that is stimulated in a laboratory to kill tumor cells. Also called an LAK cell.

Lymphoma: Lymphoma is cancer of the lymph system. Lymphoma is broken down into two major types: Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. You can read more about the symptoms and treatment in Lymphoma.

Lymphomatoid granulomatosis: Destructive growth of lymph cells, usually involving the lungs, skin, kidneys, and central nervous system. Grades I and II are not considered cancerous, but grade III is considered a lymphoma.

Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma: An indolent (slow-growing) type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma marked by abnormal levels of IgM antibodies in the blood and an enlarged liver, spleen, or lymph nodes. Also called Waldenstein macroglobulinemia.

Lymphoproliferative Disorder: A disease in which cells of the lymphatic ststem grow excessively. Lymphoproliferative disorders are often treated like cancer.

Lymphoreticular system: The tissues and organs that produce, store, and carry white blood cells that fight infections and other diseases. This system includes the bone marrow, spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, and lymphatic vessels (a network of thin tubes that carry lymph and white blood cells). Lymphatic vessels branch, like blood vessels, into all the tissues of the body. See Also - Lymphatic System

Lymphorrhea: Protein rich fluid that weeps from open areas of a lymphodemous limb. Caustic affect on surrounding skin tissue.

Lymphoscintigraphy: Diagnostic radiological test generally used for lymphedema. A radioactive tracer substance is injection into the lymphatics. The test can identify the functionality of the lymph system or identify points of obstruction.

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