Glossary of the Lymphatics - Page Two
Fibroblast: Connective tissue cells which may differentiate into chondroblasts, osteoblasts, etc. In dermatology, fibroblasts are dermal cells which synthesize most of the extracellular matrix, including several collagens, elastin, proteoglycans, and glycoproteins.
Fibroma: A benign tumor consisting mainly of fibrous tissue. Fibrosis Formation of fibrous tissue as a reaction or as a repair process; may occur due to treatment and/or disease. in lymphedema condition known as hardening of the limb with resultingrestriction of circulatory flow, increased infection, weeping sores.
Fibrotic: Pertaining to or characterized by fibrosis. In dermatological description, "fibrotic" would be used to describe leathery, bound-down, or thickened, scarred skin.
Filariasis: Infestation with or disease caused by filariae.
First aid: The care given to an injured or ill patient, usually where the patient was injured. Initial care given to a victim who may be sick or injured.
Flavonoids: Herbal substance or drug used to assist in the treatment of various conditions including lymphedema. The main characteristics is that it stimulate microphage activity and has strong antioxidant properties. Routinely used in numerous countriesthis group of drugs has not been approved by the FDA for lymphdema in the US. Benzopyrones, which include grape seed extract and coumarin are types of benzopyrones/flavonoids.
Flexion: Bending a limb at the joint. For example, during flexion of the leg the knee is bent and the lower leg is brought backward.
Folliculitis: Inflammation of one or more follicles especially of the hair.
Fungal: Of or relating to fungus or fungi.
Fungus: A simple parasitic plant. Because it lacks chloroplasts and cannot manufacture its own food, it depends on other life forms to sustain itself. Reproduces by spores.
Furuncle: A boil, or collection of pus in the dermis or subcutaneous fat. Species of staph are usually the causative agents.
Gangrene: Necrosis and death of tissue generally either from infections, venous insufficiency, severe injury.
Gangrenous: Pertaining to tissue death usually associated with the loss of circulation.
Gene: The physical unit that carries characteristics from parent to child. See DNA
Gentamicin: Antibiotic delivered either through direct muscular injection or commonly through intervenous application. Classed as a aminoglycoside antibiotic and are used commonly in urinary infections, but also used against a broad group of gram negative bacteria.
Genetic: Referring to information carried by DNA.
Genetic disorder: A condition caused by defective genes that may be passed from one generation to the next; also known as a hereditary condition.
Glycosaminoglycan: A protein-polysaccharide complex formed from proteoglycans and a large amount of polysaccharide (up to 95%).
Gram-negative bacteria: Types of bacteria, generally more resistant to standard antibiotic treatment. Types include salmonella, enterobacteriaceae, pseudomonas, moraxella, helicobacter, stenotrophomonas, bdellovibrio.
Gram-positive bacteria: Broad range of generally well known bacterial types. Includes staph and strep. Generally responds well to standard antibiotic therapy.
Gram Stain: A method for differential staining of bacteria; smears are fixed by flaming, stained in a solution of crystal violet, treated with iodine solution, rinsed, decolorized, and then counterstained with safranin.
Granulocyte: A leukocyte that has granules in its cytoplasm.
Gynecomastia: Benign enlargement of the male breast resulting from the glandular component of the breast. Specifically iit is a result of the estrogen-androgen hormonal balance changing to favor estrogen. Certain drugs used in treatment of other conditions have also been implicated. Even though a male may have enlargment of the breast area, that does not mean he has a condition called Klinefelter Syndrome.
Hereditary: A physcial characteristic, condition or disease that is passed down from parent to offspring through the genetic sequence. Symptoms of a genetic disorder are not necessary present at birth being latent and may appear later on in life. Example lymphedema praecox and lymphedema tarda.
Hodgkin's disease: A neoplastic disease that is characterized by progressive enlargement of lymph nodes, spleen, and liver and by progressive anemia.
Hodgkin, Thomas (1798-1866), British physician: Hodgkin made important contributions in pathology, including a treatise on the anatomy of diseased tissue that spurred the study of tissue pathology in Great Britain. He is known for his description of aortic regurgitation in 1829 and of Hodgkin's disease in 1832. The latter disease was named in his honor in 1865 by fellow British physician Sir Samuel Wilks (1824-1911).
Holistic medicine: The art and science of healing that addresses the whole person - body, mind, and spirit. The practice of holistic medicine integrates conventional and alternative therapies to prevent and treat disease, and most importantly, to promote optimal health.
Homans-Miller procedure: The Homans-Miller procedure first used in 1936 is a modification of the Kondolean Procedure using thin skin flaps to cover the resected area of the lymphodemous limb.
Homologous: Having the same evolutionary origin, but serving different functions.
Hydrated: The state of having adequate fluids in the body.Hydrostatic: Of or concerned with fluids that are not in motion.
Hydrotherapy: In American English this term means applying a form of water to the body for therapeutic purposes that often includes the addition of herbs or oils and may be accompanied by a wrap. In British English, this term is used as a synonym for aquatic therapy. See Aquatic Therapy.
Hyperkeratosis: Hypertrophy of the horny layer of the epidermis.
Hyperplasia: Enlargement of a bodily organ or part resulting from an increase in the total number of cells.
Hypertension: Higher than normal Abnormally high or elevated blood pressure.
Hypoplasia: Incomplete development of an organ. Versus hyperplasia. Some use term in relationship to lack of lymphatic development.
Iatrogenic: A condition or disorder arising from a medical treatment. For example, secondary lymphedema occurring after cancer treatment.
Ichthyosis: A group of cutaneous disorders characterised by increased or aberrant keratinisation, resulting in noninflammatory scaling of the skin. Many different metaphors have been used to describe the appearance and texture of the skin in the various types and stages of ichthyosis, for example alligator, collodion, crocodile, fish and porcupine skin. most ichthyoses are genetically determined, while some may be acquired and develop in association with various systemic diseases or be a prominent feature in certain genetic syndromes. The term is commonly used alone to refer to i. Vulgaris.
Immune system: The bodily system that protects the body from foreign substances, cells, and tissues by producing the immune response and that includes especially the thymus, spleen, lymph nodes,lymphocytes including the B cells and T cells, and antibodies, basophiles, esinophils.
Impetigo: A common superficial bacterial infection caused by staphlococcus aureus or group A betahemolytic streptococci. Characteristics include thin, fragile vesicles and bullae which evolve pustules that rupture and discharge a thin, ambercolored fluid that dries and forms a honey-colored crust. This condition is most often seen in children and is located on the face,especially about the mouth and nose.
Induration: An area of hardened tissue.
Infectious Diease Doctor: A doctor in sub-specialty of the descipline of Internal Medicine. Focused on the research, treatment, cure and management of infectious diseases and infections. These physcians are a vital part of the health, well being and survival of lymphedema patients.
Inguinal nodes: Lymph nodes found in the groin region of both sides of the body.
Intact skin: Healthy skin in which there are no breaks, scrapes, cuts, or abnormal openings that allow pathogens to enter.I
Intensive: The phase of lymphedema treatment during which the patient is treated daily for a period of time based on the patient’s needs; also known as an intervention.
Intercellular fluid: The fluid between cells in tissues. Also called interstitial fluid.
Interstitial fluid: The fluid between cells in tissues. Referred to as the liquid subtance of the body.
Interstitial space: The fluid filled areas that surround the cells of a given tissue; also known as tissue space.
Intervention: The phase of lymphedema treatment during which the patient is treated daily for a period of time based on the patient’s needs; also known as an intensive.
Ipsilateral: On the same side. Compare with contralateral.
IV antibiotic: Antibiotics delivered thru either a standard IV line, a pic-ine or a chest port. Generally used for resistantbacterial infections, systemic infections or infections in immuno-compromised individual where rapid treatment is needed. Examples include Unisyn, Gentamicin, Invanz.
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